01 | Overview The CHALLENGE The onboarding process for verifying and explaining is a bit lengthy and unintuitive, and they are finding user dropping off before they complete it the process. Context They would like steam-line the verification process, in order to get them to verify their identify without so many queues. User: The use…
01 | Overview The CHALLENGE Creating an app that helps motorcyclist or biclelists communicate in a safe and easy way, with other riders. Platform Mobile App YEAR 2020 Prototype 02 | Roles My Role As a lead ux/ui designer, my responsibility to is to help guide the creative process in order to organize, and reach…
POWERMAG Growing POWER Mag recognition as a source for news and technical information 01 | Overview The CHALLENGE POWER has been known as a magazine for many years but today it is so much more than that; it’s a trusted brand that includes publications, trade events & conferences, and electronic media. In all its formats,…