Category: case study

  • Protected: Private Case Studies

    Protected: Private Case Studies

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  • Refining Verification Process

    Refining Verification Process

    01 | Overview The CHALLENGE The onboarding process for verifying and explaining is a bit lengthy and unintuitive, and they are finding user dropping off before they complete it the process. Context They would like steam-line the verification process, in order to get them to verify their identify without so many queues. User: The use…



    01 | Overview The CHALLENGE Creating an app that helps motorcyclist or biclelists communicate in a safe and easy way, with other riders. Platform Mobile App YEAR 2020 Prototype 02 | Roles My Role As a lead ux/ui designer, my responsibility to is to help guide the creative process in order to organize, and reach…

  • Power is h

    Power is h

    POWERMAG Growing POWER Mag recognition as a source for news and technical information 01 | Overview The CHALLENGE POWER has been known as a magazine for many years but today it is so much more than that; it’s a trusted brand that includes publications, trade events & conferences, and electronic media. In all its formats,…

  • Via Satellite

    Via Satellite

    VIA SATELLITE A NEW EXPERIENCE FOR THE LATEST SPACE & ASTRONOMY NEWS 01 | Overview The CHALLENGE For over 30 years, Via Satellite has provided essential news and expert business analysis on the global commercial communications satellite industry, including current and evolving applications, infrastructure issues, technology, and business and regulatory developments around the world. As…