Refining Verification Process

Creating a seamless Verification flow
for use case #6

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The onboarding process for verifying and explaining is a bit lengthy and unintuitive, and they are finding user dropping off before they complete it the process.


They would like steam-line the verification process, in order to get them to verify their identify without so many queues.


The use cases presented are of users that have a logged in, are on mobile, not at the premise, and have not yet verified their identity (use case #6).


They currently use a technology, that take photos via mobile only, of your ID in order to verify your identity. This is also part of the onboarding process.


Web App




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My Role

My responsibility is to find the best onboarding process for the user to complete.


UX strategy
UX planning

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Use Case

Understand the user and the current use case.

We started with a quick survey to help us understand who we would target first , and the common ways of communication that already existed within those users.

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Discovering the Current Solution and its pain points

With a long process in place, and requesting too much from the user, the current process has too much information, and become counterintuitive.

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Ideas, Sketches, and Testing

Drawing out the steps, and implementing various ideas helped me organize and helping the user navigate through reasons to verify, and when to allow locations was my ultimate goal.

  • Could we change the message to more beneficial than process heavy explanatory.
  • Add primers to allow user to understand the benefit of onboarding.
  • add a queue for the logged in user to recognize, that they have not finished being verified.
  • add another place for the user to find the benefits of verifying.
  • Permissions only when needed, such as location

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Prototyping my solution

After various sketches, we need to quickly insert the idea in a prototype to see the content, and the steps in action

BENEFITS of new Process

  • Quicker onboarding to benefit the user from dropping off
  • User Friendly
  • Streamlined process